British Records Database

Here you will find a database of British Swimming Records since 2000, searchable by event, swimmer and year. They can also be viewed as record progressions. Explore using the filters below or click an item in the tables to get started

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All British Records for 4x50m medley relay

All British Records for this event across all sexes and courses. Click the course for record progression.

Event SexTimeNameDateMeetLocation
4x50m medley relaySCMale01:32.30GB National Team04-12-2014World ChampionshipsDoha, Qatar
Chris Walker Hebborn (23.31)
Adam Peaty (25.71)
Adam Barrett (22.23)
Ben Proud (21.05)
4x50m medley relaySCFemale01:44.67GB National Team07-12-2023European SC ChampionshipsOtopeni, Romania
Kathleen Dawson (26.97)
Imogen Clark (28.66)
Keanna MacInnes (25.69)
Anna Hopkin (23.35)
4x50m medley relaySCMixed01:37.07GB National Team14-12-2022World SC ChampionshipsMelbourne, Australia
Medi Harris (26.60)
Adam Peaty (25.24)
Ben Proud (21.93)
Anna Hopkin (23.30)

* Denotes that a swim was also a World Record when set

Version 1.53. Database last updated: 31/12/24. All data is unofficial and some records may not have been ratified by British Swimming - for official records visit

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