The European Masters Swimming Championships took place last week in London, hosted at the same Olympic Aquatic Centre that only the week before had seen the elite European championships take place. But whereas those championships had sparkled like a diamond, the masters' equivalent was a deeply flawed gem.
It all started some time before when entries … Continue Reading→
After several weeks of disquiet over the organisation of the European Masters Championships to be held in London at the end of May, things are set to come to a head over the next few days as final decisions are made over the format of the competition and who will get to swim which events.
The ASA has launched a comprehensive consultation process for Masters Swimmers to assist in the production of the 2007 strategy for Masters swimming, the purpose of which will be to provide a blue print and working framework for the next five to ten years.
In 1993, Tony Holmyard and Paula Hunter of the Physical Education Department … Continue Reading→
PHOENIX, USA: THE fabled Fountain of Youth may be found in a pool near you, according to research by Indiana University's Dr. Joel Stager, an exercise physiologist, who has found that regular and fairly intensive swimming can substantially delay the decline of such age markers as blood pressure, muscle mass, blood chemistry and pulmonary function.
Last … Continue Reading→
Yorkshire's masters swimmers managed what their age group conterparts failed to do as they toppled defending champions Lancashire to win the 2002 Inter County Masters Competition. The competion is held in districts, with the results combined nationally before points are awarded.